石井 康夫 油井 毅 竹安 数博 イシイ ヤスオ アブライ ツヨシ タケヤス カズヒロ Yasuo Ishii Tsuyoshi Aburai Kazuhiro Takeyasu
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.26, no.2, pp.1-21, 2013-01-31

Social Networking Services (SNS) have become widely used in Japan in recent years with FaceBook, mixi and Twitter being the most popular. These are used in various fields of life together with convenient devices such as smart-phones. A questionnaire investigation was used to clarify the current usage situation, issues, desired functions etc. Information for marketing purposes was then extracted. Fundamental statistical analysis, Multi Corresponding Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Key Graph Analysis were then performed. Reviewing past research, there are some related papers, but they do not include new tools which are evolving rapidly. Moreover there has been little research conducted on this precise topic. Some interesting results were obtained.