石井 康夫
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.15, pp.19-30, 2007

It is recognized that ancient masks of Japan used for playing Noh were endowed with various facial expressions, meaning that manifold faces with agony, sadness, calmness, indignation, or pleasure are immanent in one mask. As for performing arts played in the Medieval Period of Japan, it is supposed that they were separated from Shinto rituals and independently developed during this era. People who engaged in those performing arts belonged to the class of humble people. Performing includes implication of purifying "impurity" which existed in birth and death, blood and decay, plague, or poverty, all of which are associated with everything of human life. Those humble people as performing artists wore clothes of monks as a lower religious order, meaning that they were not ordinary people who were never able to purify impurity. Purification was also involved in the activity of shamanism, including traditional Japanese dance. The dancers of shamanism attained a state of trance which expressed the words of Gods, which led to the primitive style of playing Noh. In the Medieval Period, as agricultural techniques developed, the level of people's lifestyle improved. A new type of Buddhism which parted from that belonging to the aristocracy spread into the people's spirit, encouraging people's economic and political power. In the Muromachi era, art theory was sophisticated through Japanese songs, tea-party, and pictures, particularly Indian-ink drawings. Yugen (subtletly), the philosophical idea of expression, was applied to arts, which became the core art theory of this era. This art theory was affected by another branch of Buddhism, that is, Zen. The charm of refined simplicity was promoted by religious meditation that was the essence of Zen thought. Particularly the Indian-ink drawings were art works reflecting the quiet precinct of poetical sentiment and philosophical meditation. While Kanami and Zeami established the foundation of Noh, the masks were mutually affected by other ancient masks which had been used in divine, religious rituals in local areas. The artistry of ancient masks implies the incantatory divinity which was related to the subtle profundity of the art spirit of this era. Consequently, the performing arts were supported by religious incantation which yielded the fundamental creativity of the Medieval Period.
石井 康夫
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 第34回ファジィシステムシンポジウム
pp.821-824, 2018 (Released:2019-01-09)

石井 康夫 大久保 あかね 鈴木 大介
知能と情報 (ISSN:13477986)
vol.31, no.4, pp.745-753, 2019-08-15 (Released:2019-08-15)

石井 康夫 油井 毅 竹安 数博 イシイ ヤスオ アブライ ツヨシ タケヤス カズヒロ Yasuo Ishii Tsuyoshi Aburai Kazuhiro Takeyasu
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.26, no.2, pp.1-21, 2013-01-31

Social Networking Services (SNS) have become widely used in Japan in recent years with FaceBook, mixi and Twitter being the most popular. These are used in various fields of life together with convenient devices such as smart-phones. A questionnaire investigation was used to clarify the current usage situation, issues, desired functions etc. Information for marketing purposes was then extracted. Fundamental statistical analysis, Multi Corresponding Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Key Graph Analysis were then performed. Reviewing past research, there are some related papers, but they do not include new tools which are evolving rapidly. Moreover there has been little research conducted on this precise topic. Some interesting results were obtained.
石井 康夫
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 第31回ファジィシステムシンポジウム
pp.171-174, 2015 (Released:2016-02-26)

石井 康夫
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.19, pp.5-21, 2009

Ernst Barlach was a German sculptor who lived his life in Germany when the country was controlled by the government of Nazis. The persecution of his art was due to the characteristics of the sculpture's forms and ideas that did not correspond to Western aesthetic ideas which are based on Greek, or Renaissance art. That was the reason why the Nazis denied his works. Most representative works, the monuments for the World War I, which were for the cities of Magdeburg, Güstrow, and Hamburg, were criticized by the establishment and people who considered the works unsuitable monuments for each city, because the faces of the figures appealed eminently to the pacifistic public. The characteristic factors which constitute Barlach's sculptures are ascribed to his experiences of a journey to Russia. The Mother Nature of Russia and Russian people affected him significantly. The encounter with the landscapes of Russia and her people were such a stimulating experience for him that this experience remained in his mind and fueld his art. Also, Asian ideas that are based on religious images of Buddhism and the thoughts of Chuang-tzu can be noticed in his works. As he admired the sculptures of the Japanese Buddhism arts, his works and Buddhist art have a common spiritual essence. The philosophy of Chuang-tzu, "all things are equal," seems to have influenced Barlarch's creative ideas. They are converted to concrete forms as mercy and tolerance which are immanent in Barlach's sculptures. These tolerant and merciful ideas are realized in slender bodies with few wasted expression. The simple body lines and facial expressions are sophisticated and include sacred and religious images. The slenderness and tolerant expression are common to those of the Budhisattva. It is necessary to realize that Barlach's works are affected not only by Russia and Buddhism, but by his fundamental German tradition. Sculptures of Romanesque and Gothic art ornament the walls and capitals of cathedrals in Germany as peripheral decorations that create a religiously solemn world. It is thought that these sculptures which include people, animals, birds, monsters, and plants expressed in abstraction affected Barlach. He himself recognized that he was a successor of masters who made European traditional art in Medieval age. Barlach created modern sophisticated sculptures through unsophisticated people's figures in which he found essential humanism. He carved the modern saints in the figure of beggars, and offered resistance to Nazism.