Keisuke TSUTSUI Masato KAKU Masahide MOTOKAWA Yuiko TOHMA Toshitsugu KAWATA Tadashi FUJITA Shinya KOHNO Junji OHTANI Kaoru TENJOH Mao NAKANO Hiroko KAMADA Kazuo TANNE
Biomedical Research (ISSN:03886107)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-7, 2007 (Released:2007-03-13)
29 59

It has been reported that reduction of masticatory afferent stimulation might influence learning and memory function. In order to clarify the influences of reduced masticatory sensory input on spatial memory/learning ability and neuropathological changes, we conducted the Morris water maze experiment and investigated the number of hippocampal neurons in association with the differences in masticatory afferent stimuli from hard- and soft-diet feeding in mice. The water maze experiment showed no significant difference in learning ability between 180-day-old solid- and powderdiet groups. Meanwhile, the ability was significantly reduced in the 360-day-old powder-diet group as compared with the age-matched solid-diet group. The total number of pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions was significantly smaller in 360-day-old powder-diet group than in the remaining groups. These results demonstrate that reduction of masticatory afferent stimuli due to long-term soft-diet feeding may induce neuron loss in the hippocampus and reduced memory/learning ability.