小川 賢治 Kenji OGAWA
人間文化研究 = Journal of Human Cultural Studies
no.48, pp.71-98, 2022-03-31

ABSTRACTEllen Hodgson Brown writes in her book lThe Web of Debtz that the sovereign state can issue money by itself, and that international bankers have deprived sovereign states of power to issue money. Also she says that some events in the world history can be seen from a point of view that those events happened through struggles between sovereign states and international bankers. For example, 'The Glorious Revolution' in England can be seen as that: King James II was a roman catholic and did not permit private banks or money lending. So, Protestants drove him out to establish private banks, and Queen Mary II and King William III were throned. They were Protestants and permitted private banks. Another example: American Independent Revolution was a struggle between American independentists and the British State. American independentists wanted to issue their own money, not to borrow British money and not to pay interest. On the other hand the British State did not admit losing its banks in America. So both joined battle and America won independence from Britain.