三宅 邦建 ミヤケ クニタテ Kunitate MIYAKE
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.5, pp.1-10, 2004-03-25

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of the victimization of bullying and a self-disclosure of the experience on adult attachment. Four hundreds college students answered the questionnaire. The results showed that those who were bullied during the pre-adolescent period lowed secure attachment. Moreover, those who disclosed the victimization experience to someone increased secure attachment and decreased insecure attachment. However, the positive effects of disclosing negative experience were found only among female students. The sex difference in the effect of the self-disclosure was interpreted in terms of the gender roles imposed upon the two sexes. The contribution of the present study was to relate the pre-adolescent experiences to adult attachment