Luca Facciolo Pekka Nuutinen Daniel Welander
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE (ISSN:24242934)
pp._ICONE23-1, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

The European Utility Requirements organization started the compliance assessment process of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries EU-APWR Standard Design in 2012. The EU-APWR is an Advanced PWR, 1700 MWe class, 4-loops, 14ft active core fuel length that MHI has developed for the European market. The EU-APWR is an evolution of the Advance PWR currently under the licensing process in Japan for the Tsuruga Power Station. MHI has modified the design applying improvements in safety and economy in order to be adapted for European markets and to comply with the EUR requirements. The EU-APWR Standard Design documentation has been assessed against the EUR Volume 2 - Generic Nuclear Island requirements Revision D, issued in October 2012. The assessment is divided into 20 chapters for a total of over four thousand individual requirements. Each chapter was assigned to Assessment Performers who executed the detailed analysis of the requirements. The assessment of each requirement and the Synthesis Report have been submitted to, and scrutinized by, the Coordination Group, formed by representatives of the European Utilities together with the Vendor, and reviewed by the Administration Group and by the Steering Committee. The Synthesis Reports have been collected in the Volume 3 EU-APWR Standard Design Subset and presented to the Steering Committee, which approved the final draft in October 2014. The overall results of the assessment indicated good compliance of the EU-APWR Standard Design: 77% of the requirements resulted in compliance with EUR. This percentage increases to 85% when taking into account the requirements for which the design has been evaluated in compliance with the objectives. The requirements where the design has been judged not in compliance with EUR are less than 2%. The divergences between the EU-APWR Standard Design and the EUR concern different areas like, for instance, layout, operational capability and performance, outage operations, personal protection and radiation monitoring. Some of the incongruences result from differences in approach to the design process or from differences in the rules and standards in use in Japan and in Europe. Some analyses, like the internal hazards effects, have been performed only partially because, in Japan, such analyses are considered site-specific and are carried out at the detailed design level. The analysis of the consequences of a hydrogen explosion, and the environmental qualification methodology of equipment have not been fully developed yet. While the reactor core has been designed for an operability cycle of 24 months and can be loaded with 50% MOX fuel, no other area of the plant has been designed taking into consideration MOX fuel.