吉沢 正広 田中 雅章 Masahiro YOSHIZAWA Masaaki TANAKA
鈴鹿短期大学紀要 = Journal of Suzuka Junior College (ISSN:09158421)
vol.18, pp.161-176, 1998-01-01

The purpose of this paper is to examine how IBM entered into prewar Japan and ran its wholly-owned subsidiary thereafter. Before examining something noted above, this paper surveys the process of formation of IBM and then traces its early overseas activities. Turning to the initial contacts between Japan and IBM, at first IBM carried out its mere export trade to Japan through Morimura and then Kurosawa. IBM then established its wholly-owned subsidiary, Japan Watson,in Japan to expand the business. As IBM 405 series began to sell well also in Japan, IBM was convinced of Japan as a promising overseas market. IBM would think that Japan was of increasing importance. So IBM decided to set up its subsidiary in Japan beyond mere exporting. But as the Pacific War approached, the Japanese government restricted the activities of Japan Watson. At last the government designated Japan Watson an enemy company in 1942. Therefore Japan Watson was forced to halt its business activities in Japan. It was not until 1950 that IBM Japan, former Japan Watson reopened the activities in Japan.