Asuka NAKAJIMA Takuya WATANABE Eitaro SHIOJI Mitsuaki AKIYAMA Maverick WOO
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E103.D, no.7, pp.1524-1540, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-01)

With our ever increasing dependence on computers, many governments around the world have started to investigate strengthening the regulations on vulnerabilities and their lifecycle management. Although many previous works have studied this problem space for mainstream software packages and web applications, relatively few have studied this for consumer IoT devices. As our first step towards filling this void, this paper presents a pilot study on the vulnerability disclosures and patch releases of three prominent consumer IoT vendors in Japan and three in the United States. Our goals include (i) characterizing the trends and risks in the vulnerability lifecycle management of consumer IoT devices using accurate long-term data, and (ii) identifying problems, challenges, and potential approaches for future studies of this problem space. To this end, we collected all published vulnerabilities and patches related to the consumer IoT products by the included vendors between 2006 and 2017; then, we analyzed our dataset from multiple perspectives, such as the severity of the included vulnerabilities and the timing of the included patch releases with respect to the corresponding disclosures and exploits. Our work has uncovered several important findings that may inform future studies. These findings include (i) a stark contrast between how the vulnerabilities in our dataset were disclosed in the two markets, (ii) three alarming practices by the included vendors that may significantly increase the risk of 1-day exploits for customers, and (iii) challenges in data collection including crawling automation and long-term data availability. For each finding, we also provide discussions on its consequences and/or potential migrations or suggestions.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E103.D, no.7, pp.1493-1511, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-01)

Internationalized domain names (IDNs) are abused to create domain names that are visually similar to those of legitimate/popular brands. In this work, we systematize such domain names, which we call deceptive IDNs, and analyze the risks associated with them. In particular, we propose a new system called DomainScouter to detect various deceptive IDNs and calculate a deceptive IDN score, a new metric indicating the number of users that are likely to be misled by a deceptive IDN. We perform a comprehensive measurement study on the identified deceptive IDNs using over 4.4 million registered IDNs under 570 top-level domains (TLDs). The measurement results demonstrate that there are many previously unexplored deceptive IDNs targeting non-English brands or combining other domain squatting methods. Furthermore, we conduct online surveys to examine and highlight vulnerabilities in user perceptions when encountering such IDNs. Finally, we discuss the practical countermeasures that stakeholders can take against deceptive IDNs.
Yuta Sawabe Daiki Chiba Mitsuaki Akiyama Shigeki Goto
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.27, pp.536-544, 2019 (Released:2019-09-15)

Currently, many attacks are targeting legitimate domain names. In homograph attacks, attackers exploit human visual misrecognition, thereby leading users to visit different (fake) sites. These attacks involve the generation of new domain names that appear similar to an existing legitimate domain name by replacing several characters in the legitimate name with others that are visually similar. Specifically, internationalized domain names (IDNs), which may contain non-ASCII characters, can be used to generate/register many similar IDNs (homograph IDNs) for their application as phishing sites. A conventional method of detecting such homograph IDNs uses a predefined mapping between ASCII and similar non-ASCII characters. However, this approach has two major limitations: (1) it cannot detect homograph IDNs comprising characters that are not defined in the mapping and (2) the mapping must be manually updated. Herein, we propose a new method for detecting homograph IDNs using optical character recognition (OCR). By focusing on the idea that homograph IDNs are visually similar to legitimate domain names, we leverage OCR techniques to recognize such similarities automatically. Further, we compare our approach with a conventional method in evaluations employing 3.19 million real (registered) and 10, 000 malicious IDNs. Results reveal that our method can automatically detect homograph IDNs that cannot be detected when using the conventional approach.
Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa Takuya Watanabe Eitaro Shioji Mitsuaki Akiyama Tatsuya Mori
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.1030-1046, 2020 (Released:2020-12-15)

Online service providers exert tremendous effort to protect users' accounts against sensitive data breaches. Although threats from complete outsiders, such as account hijacking for monetization, still occur, recent studies have shed light on threats to privacy from insiders. In this study, we focus on these latter threats. Specifically, we present the first comprehensive study of an attack from insiders that identifies the existence of a target's account by using the target's email address and the insecure login-related messages that are displayed. Such a threat may violate intimates' or acquaintances' privacy because the kinds of service accounts a user has implies his/her personal preferences or situation. We conducted surveys regarding user expectations and behaviors on online services and an extensive measurement study of login-related messages on online services that are considered sensitive. We found that over 80% of participants answered that they have sensitive services and that almost all services were vulnerable to our attack. Moreover, about half the participants who have sensitive services were insecurely registered on them, thus could be potential victims. Finally, we recommend ways for online service providers to improve login-related messages and for users to take appropriate defensive actions. We also report our responsible disclosure process.
Kazuki Nomoto Takuya Watanabe Eitaro Shioji Mitsuaki Akiyama Tatsuya Mori
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.31, pp.620-642, 2023 (Released:2023-09-15)

Modern Web services provide advanced features by utilizing hardware resources on the user's device. Web browsers implement a user consent-based permission model to protect user privacy. In this study, we developed PERMIUM, a web browser analysis framework that automatically analyzes the behavior of permission mechanisms implemented by various browsers. We systematically studied the behavior of permission mechanisms for 22 major browser implementations running on five different operating systems. We found fragmented implementations. Implementations between browsers running on different operating systems are not always identical. We determined that implementation inconsistencies could lead to privacy risks. We identified gaps between browser permission implementations and user perceptions from the user study corresponding to the analyses using PERMIUM. Based on the implementation inconsistencies, we developed two proof-of-concept attacks and evaluated their feasibility. The first attack uses permission information to secretly track the user. The second attack aims to create a situation in which the user cannot correctly determine the origin of the permission request and the user mistakenly grants permission. Finally, we clarify the technical issues that must be standardized in privacy mechanisms and provide recommendations to OS/browser vendors to mitigate the threats identified in this study.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E103.D, no.7, pp.1541-1555, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-01)
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This work aims to determine the propensity of password creation through the lens of language spheres. To this end, we consider four different countries, each with a different culture/language: China/Chinese, United Kingdom (UK) and India/English, and Japan/Japanese. We first employ a user study to verify whether language and culture are reflected in password creation. We found that users in India, Japan, and the UK prefer to create their passwords from base words, and the kinds of words they are incorporated into passwords vary between countries. We then test whether the findings obtained through the user study are reflected in a corpus of leaked passwords. We found that users in China and Japan prefer dates, while users in India, Japan, and the UK prefer names. We also found that cultural words (e.g., “sakura” in Japan and “football” in the UK) are frequently used to create passwords. Finally, we demonstrate that the knowledge on the linguistic background of targeted users can be exploited to increase the speed of the password guessing process.
Bo Sun Xiapu Luo Mitsuaki Akiyama Takuya Watanabe Tatsuya Mori
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.26, pp.212-223, 2018 (Released:2018-02-15)

Mobile app stores, such as Google Play, play a vital role in the ecosystem of mobile device software distribution platforms. When users find an app of interest, they can acquire useful data from the app store to inform their decision regarding whether to install the app. This data includes ratings, reviews, number of installs, and the category of the app. The ratings and reviews are the user-generated content (UGC) that affect the reputation of an app. Therefore, miscreants can leverage such channels to conduct promotional attacks; for example, a miscreant may promote a malicious app by endowing it with a good reputation via fake ratings and reviews to encourage would-be victims to install the app. In this study, we have developed a system called PADetective that detects miscreants who are likely to be conducting promotional attacks. Using a 1723-entry labeled dataset, we demonstrate that the true positive rate of detection model is 90%, with a false positive rate of 5.8%. We then applied our system to an unlabeled dataset of 57M reviews written by 20M users for 1M apps to characterize the prevalence of threats in the wild. The PADetective system detected 289K reviewers as potential PA attackers. The detected potential PA attackers posted reviews to 136K apps, which included 21K malicious apps. We also report that our system can be used to identify potentially malicious apps that have not been detected by anti-virus checkers.