Iida Hiroyuki Nakagawa Takeo Huy Nguyen Quoc Hasai Siti Mardhiah Husna Azizul Nur Muangkasem Apimuk Sone Shogo Ishitobi Taichi
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2012 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society)
pp.415-422, 2012-06-27

This paper is concerned with uncertainty of game outcome in Congkak and Othello. Firstly, an information dynamic model of uncertainty of game outcome is derived based on fluid mechanics. Secondly, data analyses of Congkak and Othello have been done. It is found that Congkak is a unique regional game in South-East Asia, while Othello is one of the most entertaining games in the globe. It is suggestedthat Shannon’s entropy provides a measure of uncertainty ofgame outcome, but not itself. The true uncertainty is given by the present proposed model.
IIDA Hiroyuki NAKAGAWA Takeo SPOERER Kristian
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
Proceedings of the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2011
pp.134-139, 2011

We propose a procedure to form information models based on equations of fluid mechanics. A novel game information dynamic model constructed using the procedure is proposed. This model is derived from a series of approximate solutions for flow past a flat plate at zero incidence. The five Base Ball games in the World Series 2010 are analyzed and the information dynamics is discussed in the light of the present model. It is found that the present model properly accounts for ’one-sided game’where information gradually approaches to the value of game outcome with increasing the game length near the end. The modelling of information using fluid mechanics equations allows application of well known physical concepts, like velocity, acceleration, momentum, force and energy, to information. We hope that the proposed procedure is general and can be applied to different games and real-world problems.