Iida Hiroyuki Nakagawa Takeo Huy Nguyen Quoc Hasai Siti Mardhiah Husna Azizul Nur Muangkasem Apimuk Sone Shogo Ishitobi Taichi
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2012 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society)
pp.415-422, 2012-06-27

This paper is concerned with uncertainty of game outcome in Congkak and Othello. Firstly, an information dynamic model of uncertainty of game outcome is derived based on fluid mechanics. Secondly, data analyses of Congkak and Othello have been done. It is found that Congkak is a unique regional game in South-East Asia, while Othello is one of the most entertaining games in the globe. It is suggestedthat Shannon’s entropy provides a measure of uncertainty ofgame outcome, but not itself. The true uncertainty is given by the present proposed model.
Hirano Manabu Shinagawa Takahiro Eiraku Hideki Hasegawa Shoichi Omote Kazumasa Tanimoto Kouichi Horie Takashi Mune Seiji Kato Kazuhiko Okuda Takeshi Kawai Eiji Yamaguchi Suguru
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2009 Third International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
pp.129-135, 2009-06

Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs), also called hypervisors,can be used to construct a trusted computing base (TCB) enhancing the security of existing operating systems. The complexity of a VMM-based TCB causes the high risk of security vulnerabilities. Therefore, this paper proposesa two-step execution mechanism to reduce the complexityof a VMM-based TCB. We propose a method to separate aconventional VMM-based TCB into the following two parts:(1) A thin hypervisor with security services and (2) A special guest OS for security preprocessing. A special guestOS performing security tasks can be executed in advance.After shutting down the special guest OS, a hypervisor obtains preprocessing security data and next boots a targetguest OS to be protected. Thus, the proposed two-step execution mechanism can reduce run-time codes of a hypervisor. This paper shows a design, a prototype implementation and measurement results of lines of code using BitVisor, a VMM-based TCB we have developed.
Fujiki Tsubasa Ikeda Kokolo Viennot Simon
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)
pp.407-414, 2015

A lot of research has been done on classical games such as Chess or Shogi, but not so much on more recent games such as turn-based strategy games, where the players can move multiple pieces at each turn. In this paper, we analyze the game components found in most strategy games, and propose a set of simple rules that could be used as a standard game for research on turn-based strategy games. We have implemented these rules in an open platform, and in the second part of the paper we compare four different Monte-Carlo search algorithms with this platform. Especially, we show the importance of distinguishing and handling differently tactical moves and attacking moves.
Panumate Chetprayoon Xiong Shuo Iida Hiroyuki
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2015 3rd International Conference on Applied Computing and Information Technology/2nd International Conference on Computational Science and Intelligence (ACIT-CSI)
pp.60-66, 2015

This paper explores the attractiveness of Pokemon which is a turn-based Role Playing Game (RPG) and has been very popular for the decades. In this study we focus on Pokemon battle which is the most important component in Pokemon. The game refinement theory is used as a tool to assess the degree of sophistication of Pokemon battle. For this purpose we apply two approaches of game progress modeling to derive game refinement measure, i.e., score limit sports approach and board game approach. We calculated game refinement values for Pokemon battle by collecting many data from Pokemon Showdown, an online Pokemon battle simulator. The results show that the values of game refinement for Pokemon are slightly lower than the comfortable zone that we supposed in the previous study. We are tempted to conclude that such a slightly lower value is important to attract children with appropriate degree of excitement in playing Pokemon.