尾崎(井内) 智子 オザキ(イウチ) トモコ Ozaki(Iuchi) Tomoko
社会科学 = The social sciences (ISSN:04196759)
vol.45, no.3, pp.105-131, 2015-11

論説(Article)本研究は、日本婦人団体連盟が行った「白米食廃止」運動をとりあげ、国民精神総動員運動にどのような影響を与えたのかを明らかにした。日本婦人団体連盟は、婦選獲得同盟が中心になってつくった組織で、1920年代に行われた女性参政権運動の流れをくんでいる。同連盟は1937年につくられると、最初に脚気予防の観点から白米食廃止が重要と考え、国・東京府・東京市のそれぞれの総動員運動でとりあげられるように働きかけた。日本婦人団体連盟の活動の結果、「白米食廃止」は東京府の政策にはとりいれられなかったが、政府と東京市内の総動員運動にとりいれられた。This study focuses on the movement to "Abolish the White Rice Diet" promoted by the Federation of Japanese Women's Organizations and discusses the impact of this campaign on the National Total Spiritual Mobilization Movement. The Federation of Japanese Women's Organizations was formed under the leadership of the Women's Suffrage League of Japan, which had been a prominent voice in the Women's Suffrage Movement during the 1920s. When the Federation was established in 1937, its leaders quickly realized the importance of eating germ rice to prevent beriberi and started lobbying activities not only on the national level but also on the prefectural and municipal levels. In the end, although many of the Federation's efforts were unsuccessful, the National Spiritual Mobilization Movement Central League and the Tokyo Municipal Government decided to adopt the recommendation to promote the consumption of substitute foods.