Tachibana Tatsuhiro Murata Yoshihiro Shibata Naoki Yasumoto Keiichi Ito Minoru
pp.236, 2006

Genetic algorithms (GAs) are useful since they can find near optimal solutions for combinatorial optimization problems quickly. Although there are many mobile/home applications of GAs such as navigation systems, QoS routing and video encoding systems, it was difficult to apply GAs to those applications due to low computational power of mobile/home appliances. In this paper, we propose a technique to flexibly implement genetic algorithms for various problems on FPGAs. For the purpose, we propose a basic architecture which consists of several modules for GA operations to compose a GA pipeline, and a parallel architecture consisting of multiple concurrent pipelines. The proposed architectures are simple enough to be implemented on FPGAs, applicable to various problems, and easy to estimate the size of the resulting circuit. We also propose a model for predicting the size of resulting circuit from given parameters consisting of the problem size, the number of concurrent pipelines and the number of candidate solutions for GA. Based on the proposed method, we have implemented a tool to facilitate GA circuit design and development. This tool allows designers to find appropriate parameter values so that the resulting circuit can be accommodated in the target FPGA device, and to automatically obtain RTL VHDL description. Through experiments using Knapsack Problem and TSP, we show that the FPGA circuits synthesized based on the proposed method run much faster and consume much lower power than software implementation on a PC and that our model can predict the size of the resulting circuit accurately enough.
柴田 直樹 岡野 浩三 谷口 健一 シバタ ナオキ オカノ コウゾウ タニグチ ケンイチ Shibata Naoki Okano Kozo Taniguchi Kenichi
電子情報通信学会論文誌D (ISSN:09151915)
vol.J84-, no.7, pp.999-1008, 2001-07-01

加算をもつ有理数の理論(有理数変数,有理数定数,+,-,=,<∧, ∨, ∀, ∃からなる理論)の上の閉論理式(RP文)の真偽判定ルーチンは通信プロトコルのテスト,ハードウェアのタイミング検証などに利用できる.筆者らは以前,計算幾何学の手法を利用し,時間計算量を改善したRP文真偽判定アルゴリズムを提案した.本論文では,まずそのアルゴリズムに対する凹多面体併合を用いた高速化法について述べる.次に,その手法を実装した真偽判定ルーチンをMC68030バス上で非同期バスマスタ転送を行う時間オートマトンの適合性試験系列生成に適用し,評価した結果について述べる.高速化により,比較的簡単な時間制約をもつ時間オートマトンの実行可能性判定の例に対し,実際の検証で現れる変数の数が16個,不等式の数が20個程度のRP文をCPU時間数秒程度(Pentium III 600 MHz)で判定できるようになった.