寺尾 洋介 テラオ ヨウスケ TERAO Yosuke 高橋 良幸 タカハシ ヨシユキ TAKAHASHI Yoshiyuki 正木 治恵 マサキ ハルエ MASAKI Harue 谷本 真理子 タニモト マリコ TANIMOTO Mariko
千葉看護学会会誌 (ISSN:13448846)
vol.20, no.1, pp.47-54, 2014-09-30

本研究の目的は,特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者への家族の関わりを支えるものを明らかにすることである。特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者の家族5名(男性2名,女性3名,看取り介護ケアが導入されている高齢者3名の家族を含む)を対象に,半構造化インタビュー及び,家族-高齢者間の面会場面の参加観察からデータ収集を行い,質的統合法(KJ法)を用いて個別分析と全体分析を行った。全体分析より特別養護老人ホーム入居高齢者への家族の関わりを支えるものとは,【家族の関係:時・場所を超えて変わらない家族の関係性】【ホームでの出来事:関わるから得られる不思議さを伴う発見】【ホームでの出来事:ホームで支えられる双方の平穏】【ホームでの出来事:安楽・希望に繋がる日常の繰り返し】【繋がろうとする欲求:生老病死を受容しながらの愛情の共有】【繋がろうとする欲求:厳しい介護経験を超えての社会発信】の6つのシンボルマークから成る空間配置を示した。結果より,高齢者が衰退する中でも平穏で在り続けることで,家族自身の自己欲求を満たし,社会化をもたらし,家族自身の存在を支え直すものと考察された。家族-高齢者双方を支えるために高齢者が平穏で在り続ける援助の必要性,並びに家族がケア提供者と共に高齢者と関わり,家族の自己肯定感と家族-高齢者双方の安寧をもたらす援助の方向性が示唆された。This research aims to clarify the basis for the relationship between families and elderly people residing in nursing homes. In Japan, nursing homes provide welfare facilities for elderly people requiring long-term care. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with two male and three female family members and participant observation of five family members and elderly people, three of whom were receiving end-of-life care in nursing homes. Individual and comprehensive analyses were performed using a qualitative synthesis method( the KJ method). The comprehensive analysis focused on the basis of the relationship between family members and elderly people on six parameters:" the family's relationship: the quality of family ties regardless of time and place"; " events at the nursing home: the extent of family member's wondering discovery of the elderly's new aspect obtained from related,""events at the nursing home: the extent of feelings of ease and comfort among family members and nursing home residents";" events at the nursing home: daily routines that engender feelings of calmness and hope";" desire for connection:the extent of affectionate behavior in the face of birth, aging, sickness, and death"; and" desire for connection:the extent of the family's release from challenging, albeit caring, tasks, and experiences." Although elderly people in nursing homes are losing their physical and mental vitality, the calmness they tend to express helps satisfy their family members' individual desires to be part of the family, brings family members together, and supports the family as it rediscovers the very core of its existence. It is important that caregivers assist in the maintenance of elderly people's tranquility to facilitate family members' self-affirmation and to ensure that elderly people and their family members are both at peace.
Nishizawa Seiya Odaka Masatsugu Takahashi Yoshiyuki O. Sugiyama Ko-ichiro Nakajima Kensuke Ishiwatari Masaki Takehiro Shin-ichi Yashiro Hisashi Sato Yousuke Tomita Hirofumi Hayashi Yoshi-Yuki
American Geophysical Union
Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN:00948276)
vol.43, no.9, pp.4180-4188, 2016-05-16

火星ダストデビルの性質を解明-火星天気予報や火星有人探査への一歩-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-07-27.