Takabayashi Takehiko
理論物理学の進歩 (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.262-283, 1974-01

In this and succeeding papers we reconstruct the theory of relativistic string, taken as a model of hadrons, in a general and unifying framework. In this paper the classical foundation of the "realistic" string theory is clarified. The theory is derived from the action integral which is invariant under "partial general transformation" on the parameters (σ,τ) for the world sheet traced by a motion of the string, and the fundamental equations are originally covariant under this group. Then by choosing a suitable gauge we obtain Lorentz-covariant formalism associated with constraints. We analyze its characteristics and obtain solutions. Taking another gauge we get the equivalent "Lorentz non-cavariant formalism" free from constraint. This directly exhibits the physical meaning of the theory and also leads to its standard Hamiltonian formalism. Several conservation laws characteristic to our string theory are given.
Takabayashi Takehiko Atomic Energy Research Institute Nihon University
Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement = Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (ISSN:03759687)
vol.86, pp.81-92, 1986-08-30

Some aspects of the theory of relativistic string in its early period of formation and development are examined, such as the analogy between multilocal theory and string theory, the motivation and implication of the concept of `detailed wave equation', distinction between geometric and massive strings, etc. Next it is shown that a multilocal system consisting of N points organizes itself into a one-dimensional arrangement, rather than into a 3-dimensionally extended structure, if the internal forces obey a certain conspicuous rule. This model exhibits how the string theory is fabricated out of the relativistic theory of a discrete structure in the limit N →∞.