Chatterjee U. Shi M. Kaminski A. Kanigel A. Fretwell H. M. Terashima K. Takahashi T. Rosenkranz S. Li Z. Z. Raffy H. Santander-Syro A. Kadowaki K. Norman M. R. Randeria M. Campuzano J. C.
American Physical Society
Physical review letters (ISSN:00319007)
vol.96, no.10, pp.107006, 2006-03

The autocorrelation of angle resolved photoemission data from the high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta shows distinct peaks in momentum space which disperse with binding energy in the superconducting state, but not in the pseudogap phase. Although it is tempting to attribute a nondispersive behavior in momentum space to charge ordering, a deconstruction of the autocorrelation reveals that the nondispersive peaks arise from the tips of the Fermi arcs, which themselves do not change with binding energy.
Nakayama K. Sato T. Dobashi T. Terashima K. Souma S. Matsui H. Takahashi T. Campuzano J. C. Kudo K. Sasaki T. Kobayashi N. Kondo T. Takeuchi T. Kadowaki K. Kofu M. Hirota K.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.74, pp.054505, 2006-08

We have performed systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on single-layered cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CuO6+delta to elucidate the origin of shadow band. We found that the shadow band is exactly the c(2×2) replica of the main band irrespective of the carrier concentration and its intensity is invariable with respect to temperature, doping, and substitution constituents of block layers. This result rules out the possibility of antiferromagnetic correlation and supports the structural origin of shadow band. ARPES experiments on optimally doped La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 also clarified the existence of the c(2×2) shadow band, demonstrating that the shadow band is not a unique feature of Bi-based cuprates. We conclude that the shadow band is related to the orthorhombic distortion at the crystal surface.
Kaminski A. Rosenkranz S. Fretwell H. M. Mesot J. Randeria M. Campuzano J. C. Norman M. R. Li Z. Z. Raffy H. Sato T. Takahashi T. Kadowaki K.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:01631829)
vol.69, pp.212509, 2004-06
31 34

One of the interesting features of the photoemission spectra of the high temperature cuprate superconductors is the presence of a large signal (referred to as the "background") in the unoccupied region of the Brillouin zone. Here we present data indicating that the background signal is a component of the photocurrent that is separate from the spectral function and is most likely due to strong scattering of the photoelectrons. We also present an analytical method that can be used to subtract the background signal.
Kaminski A. Fretwell H. M. Norman M. R. Randeria M. Rosenkranz S. Chatterjee U. Campuzano J. C. Mesot J. Sato T. Takahashi T. Terashima T. Takano M. Kadowaki K. Li Z. Z. Raffy H.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.71, pp.014517, 2005-01
83 80

We examine the momentum and energy dependence of the scattering rate of the high-temperature cuprate superconductors using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The scattering rate is of the form a + bomega around the Fermi surface for under-and optimal doping. The inelastic coefficient b is found to be isotropic. The elastic term a, however, is found to be highly anisotropic for under-and optimally doped samples, with an anisotropy which correlates with that of the pseudogap. This is contrasted with heavily overdoped samples, which show an isotropic scattering rate and an absence of the pseudogap above Tc. We find this to be a generic property for both single-and double-layer compounds.
Sato T. Matsui H. Takahashi T. Ding H. Yang H.-B. Wang S.-C. Fujii T. Watanabe T. Matsuda A. Terashima T. Kadowaki K.
American Physical Society
Physical review letters (ISSN:00319007)
vol.91, no.15, pp.157003, 2003-10
99 110

We report a systematic high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on high-Tc superconductors Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4 (n=1–3) to study the origin of many-body interactions responsible for superconductivity. For n=2 and 3, a sudden change in the energy dispersion, so called “kink”, becomes pronounced on approaching (π,0) in the superconducting state, while a kink appears only around the nodal direction in the normal state. For n=1, the kink shows no significant temperature dependence even across Tc. This could suggest that the coupling of electrons with Q=(π,π) magnetic mode is dominant in the superconducting state for multilayered cuprates, while the interactions at the normal state and that of single-layered cuprates have a different origin.
Takahashi T. Ochi H. Kohda M. Hori M.
Royal Society Publishing
Biology Letters (ISSN:17449561)

分子で発見した夫婦の「絆」~ある熱帯魚でのはなし. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2011-11-23.