森 立子 Tatsuko Mori
日本女子体育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Japan Women's College of Physical Education (ISSN:02850095)
vol.48, pp.19-25, 2018-03

The purpose of this study is to clarify how Noverre perceives and discusses dancers' body in his "Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets". Noverre, dancer, choreographer and theorist himself, recognizes dancers' body both as medium to realize the narrative of choreographic works and as object of appreciation. With regard to the latter, we have pointed out that three factors are conductive to this view, namely, 1) Concern for the characteristics of three different genres in dance, 2) Noverre's experience as maître de ballet and his sense of crisis concerning current condition of dancers' training, 3) Growing interest to anatomy in Europe of the 18th century. It is true that Noverre, who advocates "ballet as dramatic work", values the expressive quality of dancers, but his gaze goes also toward dancers' corporal aspects, that is to say their body itself.