阿部 宗明 鈴木 満平 アベ トキハル スズキ マンペイ Tokiharu ABE Mampei SUZUKI
vol.62, pp.23-28, 1978-09

南大洋特産のヘモグロビンを持っていないことで有名なコオリウオ科Chaenichthyidaeの魚の中,正確には2回(しかも合計2尾)報告されたに過ぎなかったNeopagetopsis ionah NYBELINが,1976年度および1977年度の南大洋オキアミ試験漁業で,少なからず混獲され,比較的良好な状態の標本が入手できたので,その形態や胃内容物観察とその肉の一般分析の結果を速報する.形態はANDRIASHEV (1960) (標本体長50 cm)の標本と大体一致する.ただし,鰓条骨に8~9個と変異のあることは注目に価する.この魚にカラスコオリウオの新称を与える.肉の一般分析は,冷凍保存されていた魚体を流水中で解凍し,魚肉を採取して乳ばちで均一化したものを分析試料として行った.水分,灰分は常法により,粗蛋白質はKjeldahl法により得られた総窒素量に6.25を乗じることにより,粗脂肪はSoxhlet抽出器を使用し,エチルエーテルで15時間抽出し,その抽出物重量で示した.結果は水分84.8%,粗蛋白質11.9%,粗脂肪2.0%,灰分1.3%であった.胃内容物中には南極オキアミが多数あり,これは大小2群に分けられる.大きい方は漁船の漁獲対象となったものと同じく体長約5cmであるが,小さい方は体長約2cmで,これは漁網の目を通り技けたものと思われる.ANDRIASHEV (1960)は280 mの深さから底曳網で1個体を得たが,今回は表層近くで南極オキアミ漁により少なからず混獲された.Not a few specimens of the chaenichthyid fish Neopagetopsis ionah NYBELIN were observed among the Antarctic krill caught by the fisheries research vessels in the Southern Ocean from November 1976 to March 1977, and from November 1977 to March 1978. Some of them have been collected for study. They measure ca. 150-200 mm in standard length and are all much smaller than the adult (measuring 500 mm in standard length) reported by ANDRIASHEV in I960, which was caught in a trawl at a depth of 280 m. Results of the morphological and biological observations of the fish and chemical analysis of its flesh are given.
Tokiharu ABE Shiro SHINOHARA
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.9, no.1-6, pp.163-171_1, 1962-10-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

Three species of lutianid fishes of the genus Paracaesio, namely, P. caeruleus (KATAYAMA), P. kusakarii ABE and P. tumidus (TANAKA), are important food-fishes in Japan and Ryukyu Islands. In addition to these species, there occurs another congener in Ryukyu, and, though not commonly met with, it is known as “ Hingashitchu* ” among a few experienced fish-dealers in the island of Okinawa, one of the Ryukyus. In 1960, the junior author suggested without giving it a new scientific name that the “ Hinga-shitchu ” might represent a new species, and since passed on the specimens of this fish to the senior author who has access in Tokyo to thousands (of caeruleus) or hundreds (of kusakarii and tumidus) of individuals of the three congeners mentioned above in a year. As these members of Paracaesio are subject to considerable individual variation in the shape of the body, coloration, size and arrangement of teeth, etc. (probably correlated with the sexes at least partly), and as the number of the specimens of the “ Hinga-shitchu ” available is so small, it took some time before the present authors have been led to the conclusion that a new scientific name should be given to the “ Hinga-shichu ” and that it is very closely related to Apsilus fuscus** KLUNZINGER (not of VALENCLENES, 1830) known from Red Sea and Paracaesio xanthurus (BLEEKER) from the East Indies.