応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, pp.1-10, 2020

<p>The present study investigated the features of the motivation at return to work in EY (Early Years) through the comparison of the UK & Japan, which had opposite direction in a recent policy reform of EY settings. I set the Five groups of 43 returners (13 Nursery Returners & 5 Other occupations Returners in Japan, 5 Nursery Returners, 6 Other occupations Returners, & 14 Returner applicants in England) and collected interview data. The text mining analysis of each group and compared with them chiefly focused on the words that co-occurred with 'Work', and got to 3 findings about the features of Japanese EY returners; 1. Their priority was their own children, the same as Japanese returners in other occupations. 2. They had an ambivalent attitude for their EY qualification. 3. The ratio of the negative relations between "work/working" and "I/myself" was higher. These tendencies regarded as the relation with the lower-leveled professionalism, and a poorer employment practice in part-time working in Japan EY facilities.</p>