vol.36, no.2, 1988-06-30

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of the affiliative cues of teachers and the test anxiety of children on the task performance. Two undergraduate students were trained for two different types of teacher role: either using level of high affiliative or low affiliative cues. They were then requested to give the instruction regarding the answering of the Cording Test for WISC-R in the four classes of second graders. The two instructors interchanged their positions. The results confirmed that children taught under high affiliative condition performed higher than those under low affiliative condition, either found high or low in test anxiety. The attitude scale which was completed after the task indicated that the children under high affiliative condition showed higher positive attitude toward their learning task and their teacher as opposed to those under a low affiliative condition.


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教師が昼休みに遊んであげることが 小学校、特に低・中学年では非常に大切だってことは親和性に関する研究からも容易に推測できると思う 教師の親和的手がかりが子どもの学習に及ぼす効果 https://t.co/Hmn2WeR1XX 親和性の高い教員が担任 ⇨授業聞こうと思う ⇨成績伸びる 自然な話な気がする

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