vol.61, no.10, 1952-10-15

Paraplysia geographica scripta (BERGH)(Text-figs. 1-2). A conspicuous animal in that the rhinophores are conic, colse together and standing far back between the anterior ends of the parapodial lobes. Length of body about 10cm. Cephalic tentacles large, auriculate, widely separated. Parapodia broad and united behind; mantle with a produced siphon behind; mantle-aperture much reduced to a microscopic pore. No purple gland. Pores of hypobranchial gland diffuse. Common genital orifice just in front of the mantle-shield. Foot very large and without a posterior sucking disk. A shell as in Aplysias. General body-colour a yellowish green (olive), but the whole surface of the body except the sole is covered with a fine and extremely complicated network of black. Jaw-plates formed of fibrous rods as usual. Radula formula 50×23-25.1.23-25. Central tooth trapezoid, with 3-4 denticles on either side of the median cusp. Lateral teeth denticulated on both sides. Penis unarmed. Loc.: Hayama, Sagami Bay, by a fishing net from the bottom (Ang. 1949, 2 sps.). Dist.: Amboina, East Indies. According to ENGEL (1936), all the forms of Paraplysia hitherto described must be united as a single species, geographica, which may conveniently be divided into a number of local subspecies. I think the specimens in hand most closely agree with the East Indian subspecies scripta in the possession of the exquisite pencil-drawings on all the surface of the body.


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