
はてなブックマーク (1 users, 1 posts)

[国立国会図書館] アイデアソン

Twitter (8 users, 11 posts, 21 favorites)

The writings of a Meiji-period diplomat, including his notes on trips to Europe and Hawaii: https://t.co/1SeurI635r https://t.co/Ex5VLguDKF
The Minister of War’s diary is part of NDL's collection of historical materials: https://t.co/1SeurI635r https://t.co/0PHp1D6Aem
What did Tokyo look like 100 years ago? An "Edokko" might be the perfect guide: https://t.co/jqvOGvBKg8 #ndldigital https://t.co/YDzDjSV9Va

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