2 0 0 0 OA 博雅笛譜考

林 謙三
奈良学芸大学紀要 (ISSN:0369321X)
vol.9, no.1, pp.89-103, 1960-02-15

The Hahuga-Tehihu is a partial score edited by Minamoto-no-Hiromasa 源博雅 (a noted Japanese musician in the 10th cent.), for flute in the 3rd year of Koho 康保 (A.D.966). This consists of about 50 melodies both in T'ang and Japanese musics ; and among them you will find some rare ones of T'ang period that are now entirely forgotten. They would be very good material for us in the study of the music of T'ang period. To our great regret, however, these melodies are now dead ones ; they could be really helpfull as materials only after they were made to be read. I was fortunate enough to read most of them through my own methods. In fact, this score has something common in it with those of sho 笙 (Chinese mouth-organ) and of biwa 琵琶 (Chinese lute) of old times in point of its expression only of the basic melodies of T'ang music.


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@hozuki_sosaku かなたさん、ガチで良ければこちらの論文、参考になると思いますよ!笛譜って言うんですけど、そこに博雅の逸話が伝わっていたり、散逸している面もありますが、論文読めば手がかりになると思います。https://t.co/IJiMnaRlW9
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