生駒 義博 西山 哲郎
人間健康学研究 : Journal for the study of health and well-being (ISSN:21854939)
vol.5-6, pp.13-22, 2013-03-31

This study aims to survey how and what degree the audiences are involved in the performance of a professional sport team, Sakai Blazers that plays in the 1st division men's volleyball league in Japan. We had a questionnaire research to the match audiences at Kanaoka Park Gymnasium in Sakai city on the 15th January 2012. According to the survey's data, people's long-term residence in Sakai city promotes their supportive attitude to Sakai Blazers. Reversely, the supporting behavior to Sakai Blazers boosts the feeling of heimat to their hometown among its fans.


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