Khor Diana
Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies, Hosei University
GIS journal : the Hosei journal of global and interdisciplinary studies (ISSN:21894159)
vol.6, pp.29-41, 2020-03

This research note reports the first analysis of how same-sex marriage is framed by stakeholders in Japan, in a larger Japan-Hong Kong comparative project examining how same-sex partnership is advocated or resisted, what the implications are for the heteronormative institution of the marriage and the family, and how same-sex couples negotiate marriage and family norms in their everyday life. The analysis shows that whether arguing for or against same-sex marriage, the state as well as civil society reinforce homonationalistic discourses, albeit in a slightly different manner than observed in the West. Further, there is a tendency for advocates of same-sex marriage to construct marriage as the essence of human existence, leaving little room for a critical examination of a gendered and unequal institution, at least as it is practiced in today’s Japan. All this provides some preliminary support for the claim that the legalization of same-sex marriage might indeed reinforce rather than undermine heteronormativity.


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Recently, a bill to “promote understanding” of the LGBT community was approved by the LDP. GIS Professor Diana Khor interrogates the framing of Sexual Orientation Gender Identity issues in Japan in 2 papers https://t.co/2fSb0xV6JD https://t.co/OPeioqijFT
Would legalization of same-sex partnership ensure equal rights for lesbians and gay men? Not necessarily, as Professor Diana Khor has argued in a few recent publications: https://t.co/OxQOTGUWxi https://t.co/sJTDOSeDFM For more information see https://t.co/wBNEmNC3uz

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