木島 泰三
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.81, pp.27-43, 2020-09-30

As we have shown, Spinoza presupposes a deterministic agent-causation model, according to which causation between finite beings always requires at least three terms: a finite agent (a subject of causal power) as a transitive cause, a finite agent as an immanent cause, and an affection as their joint-effect, which inheres in the latter. We also suppose that for Spinoza, inherence relation is based on immanent causation qua causal relation, and thus we can talk of another comparable relation between a transitive cause and its effect, which may be called an “externally-belonging relation” (or “ex-herence relation” if permissible). We consider that these dependence relations based on the agent-causal relation explain the representative power or aboutness of ideas of human bodily affections. In Ethics, such aboutness is incorporated in the propositional structure of affirmation, which we have shown to be the essence of every idea. Spinoza used to frame this structure as “affirmare A de B (to affirm A of B),” where A denotes some affection or property and B denotes some subject in which A should inhere. Within this schema, the mentioned causal model grounds the following cognitive process: every idea of human bodily affections affirms the affections of (de) the human body as their immanent cause in which they inhere, as well as affirming the same affections of (de) the external body as their transitive cause to which they externally-belong. Although such affirmation would be very confused, the human mind can emend its state by acquiring various adequate common notions.We think that further ground of this account of aboutness would be found in Spinoza’s earlier writing, Short Treatise. A passage in the writing reads, “the intellect is purely passive.... So it is never we who affirm or deny something of the thing; it is the thing itself that affirms or denies something of itself in us.” In Ethics, although Spinoza insists that the human mind itself affirms something, he can also admit that an external thing does affirm something of itself in us. His refinement of his conception of activity and passivity allows him to hold such a position. According to this refined conception, causal determination in the human mind is not a mere passive affair but it contains some degree of activity. Such causal determination that is ubiquitous in the corporeal world strictly corresponds to mental affirmation bearing particular predicational content, which is also ubiquitous in the infinite intellect, whose part the human mind is. We suggest that such correspondence or parallelism provides us with the deeper ground of aboutness of ideas of bodily affections.


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ちなみに「すべての物体には反省的な心が備わっている」という話については以下の論考(特に最後の2つ)で検討してみました。 https://t.co/pwe8ZkUcFs https://t.co/U4kgzX0llq https://t.co/I771tNO37f https://t.co/b1HrmzURTv https://t.co/uKx5uGrwvy https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP
「スピノザにおける観念とコナトゥス」リンク一覧: そのI https://t.co/pwe8ZkUcFs そのII https://t.co/U4kgzX0llq そのIII https://t.co/I771tNO37f そのIV https://t.co/b1HrmzURTv そのV https://t.co/uKx5uGrwvy そのVI https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP
@shukondo それで、コナトゥスとデテルミナチオ(表記統一するなら「コナツス」か「デテルミナティオ」でしょうが)の話の続きは、以下の1つ目の紀要論文の第3節以降と、2つ目の紀要論文全体でやっています。 https://t.co/I771tO569f https://t.co/b1HrmzCIFn
「スピノザの認識理論における決定論的行為者因果説と能動/受動概念(スピノザにおける観念とコナトゥス・そのIII)」 『法政大学文学部紀要』第81号pp.27-43 https://t.co/I771tO569f (恒久リンクはまだ準備ができていないようです。下記から飛べます) https://t.co/NEhXU22c71
「スピノザの認識理論における決定論的行為者因果説と能動/受動概念(スピノザにおける観念とコナトゥス・そのIII)」 『法政大学文学部紀要』第81号pp.27-43 https://t.co/I771tO569f (恒久リンクはまだ準備ができていないようです。下記から飛べます) https://t.co/NEhXU22c71

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