木島 泰三
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.84, pp.43-60, 2022-03-10

In previous studies, we have shown that for Spinoza, mental representation through ideas is subsidiary to divine self-predication, which is found in every divine attribute. This leads us to reconsider the status of the attribute of thought. This is the aim of this study.In the first section, we consider an internal problem of Spinoza’s theory of “infinitely many attributes.” This problem originates from Spinoza’s account, according to which the attribute of thought contains every idea of every object belonging to every other attribute. This account seems to suggest that the attribute of thought would be as enormous as the totality of every other attribute; however, such asymmetry seems inconsistent with the nature of attributes, which should express the same divine essence equally. Our construal of Spinoza’s theory of ideas solves this problem primarily because we take Spinozistic ideas for mere external signs essentially dependent on divine self-predication within every attribute, including the attribute of extension.This conclusion indicates a possibility that Spinoza’s basic worldview would be purely materialistic and his non-materialistic theory of “infinitely many attributes” would be a non-essential addition to his true system. In the second section, we evaluate this possibility by using an external-contextual approach instead of an internal-textual one and find two plausible motivations behind Spinoza’s invoking the “infinitely many attributes” theory. One is his strategic choice for refuting the Cartesian argument of substantial-dualism from “real distinction” of thought and extension. The other is his demand for a correspondence theory of truth in some adequate form, which, however, we consider to be inessential for his true system.


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@Aomidori2021 スピノザとチャーマーズと関連付けた考察は下記の紀要論文の一部で行っています。論考全体では、スピノザは「ほぼ唯物者」だという話をしています。 https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP
ちなみに「すべての物体には反省的な心が備わっている」という話については以下の論考(特に最後の2つ)で検討してみました。 https://t.co/pwe8ZkUcFs https://t.co/U4kgzX0llq https://t.co/I771tNO37f https://t.co/b1HrmzURTv https://t.co/uKx5uGrwvy https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP
@NC_U_joe @Aomidori2021 スピノザは「思惟属性」(精神的な存在)を「延長属性」(物質的な存在)と同程度にリアルなものとしているので、「スピノザ=唯物論者」解釈が無理ゲーに近いのは間違いない。私の下記の論考は、博論+論文5本をベースにその無理ゲー論証を敢行しようとしたものです。(続く https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP
@masayachiba 「この議論」の大幅に短縮したバージョンが読めるようになっています。前にお送りしたのは煩雑すぎで、こちらで十分わかります。 https://t.co/w5SuMpcy7H なお、この「そのVI」が該当箇所ですが、その前のI-Vの議論を前提してはいます。 https://t.co/rrUCkHTGtw
「スピノザにおける観念とコナトゥス」リンク一覧: そのI https://t.co/pwe8ZkUcFs そのII https://t.co/U4kgzX0llq そのIII https://t.co/I771tNO37f そのIV https://t.co/b1HrmzURTv そのV https://t.co/uKx5uGrwvy そのVI https://t.co/w5SuMpuHlP

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