福永 淳
九州工業大学教養教育院紀要 = Bulletin of Kyushu Institute of Technology (Institute of Liberal Arts) (ISSN:24331724)
no.6, pp.133-146, 2022-03-31

In recent years, English education in Japan has experienced the turbulence of the university English entrance examination reform. Although the introduction of private-sector English tests into the examination system was officially on halt in July 2021, this reform has dramatically impacted and confused high school students, parents, and teachers. The problem with the English entrance examination reform was the lack of fairness in the system. This paper aims to explore the issue of myriad disparities surrounding English and its education, which is interlinked to inequality identified in the entrance examination system, while examining the direction of English education policy research in light of the findings of quantitative sociology of education. First, I will explain how the entrance examination system of providing English grades using private-sector English tests was discontinued. Second, I will turn to research studies with statistical, theoretical, and policy approaches investigating various gaps in the English language, English education, and policy. Third, the analysis and discussion of the disparities surrounding English accumulated in the field of English education will be examined in relation to the findings of quantitative sociology of education to better understand the overall picture of disparities over English education. In summary, the future directions for English education policy research will be discussed.


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福永, 淳 2022 英語をめぐる格差から英語教育政策研究を考える ―教育社会学の知見から― Considering English Education Policy Research: through the Insight of Educational Sociology- 九州工業大学教養教育院紀要, 6: 133-146, https://t.co/BjptfIVvwP

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