粟野 智子
経済経営研究 (ISSN:2434690X)
no.1, pp.35-61, 2019-03-20

The aim of the current study is to clarify the process of internalization of management philosophy in individuals based on the viewpoint of “autonomous individuals”. Although a few previous studies have mentioned the necessity of exploring the internalization of the management philosophy based on the viewpoint of autonomous individuals, little research addressed the internalization mechanism based on the premise of autonomous individuals. Data was obtained from interview with employees in a mission-oriented organization. Results of data analysis using M-GTA revealed the integration process of personal core values and management philosophy along with change in individual work identity and meaning of work. These results support the notion in previous studies that respect for employee’s autonomy is a key to promote sharing of management philosophy.


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「経営理念の浸透」という言説は「価値観や文化は企業から社員へ共有される」ことを暗黙の前提としている。しかし"浸透の実際"は、社員が持つ「価値観」と企業の「理念」との間を編集し続けるプロセスと捉えた方がよいし、すべきである。/https://t.co/JAqPkV0W3J #ブランドに関わる論文を読む

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