可児 洋介 Yosuke Kani
学習院大学人文科学論集 = Gakushuin University studies in humanities (ISSN:09190791)
no.19, pp.275-302, 2010-10

This essay not only disregards privileged signifiant which is called newtype in Mobile Suit Gundam as a tear of text, but also captures it as a field in which some different discourse were intermingling, and argues its various aspects. Concretely, this essay not only reduces that concept to the intention of the Tomino Yoshiyuki’s author-subject, but also connects it to wide-ranging contemporary situation, furthermore, discloses the generation-strife of its consumers which had a estrangement between the literary-cultural generation and the visual-cultural generation. Moreover, it confirms the birth of the imagined communities which consist of peculiar to “accepter-creater” of a limited animation, and states that such events symbolized a shift between meaning and sense or between stories and databases, and suggests that they(newtypes)born then have supported supply and demand of real-robot-anime which is like Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Neon Genesis Evangelion.


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可児洋介「想像の共同体としてのニュータイプ : 『機動戦士ガンダム』をめぐる同時代言説」 https://t.co/VtjR74ZSzf
可児洋介「想像の共同体としてのニュータイプ : 『機動戦士ガンダム』をめぐる同時代言説」 https://t.co/VtjR74ZkJH
可児洋介「想像の共同体としてのニュータイプ : 『機動戦士ガンダム』をめぐる同時代言説」 https://t.co/VtjR74ZkJH
可児洋介「想像の共同体としてのニュータイプ : 『機動戦士ガンダム』をめぐる同時代言説」 https://t.co/VtjR74HJl7
可児洋介「想像の共同体としてのニュータイプ : 『機動戦士ガンダム』をめぐる同時代言説」 https://t.co/VtjR74ZkJH
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