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Kanto, Chukyo and Kansai areas make up - ≒80% of all
#Tokyo #Aichi #Fukushima and #Nagano prefectures ranked as having high S&T related budget - surprised not to see any Kansai cities making it into the top 5. "Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2018" by #NISTEP https://t.co/OeJCmfWbXb
- R&D expenditure high in #Tokyo #Aichi #Osaka #Kanagawa #Kyoto #Tochigi prefectures >500biillion yen - low in #Wakayama #Tottori #Saga #Kochi #Saga prefectures <20billion yen "Regional Science and Technology Indicators 2018" by #NISTEP https://t.co/OeJCmfEB5D

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