佐々木 貴弘 ササキ タカヒロ Sasaki Takahiro
国際公共政策研究 (ISSN:13428101)
vol.18, no.1, pp.223-239, 2013-09

In Japan, sexual minorities are discriminated against both socially and legally. In order to confront this situation, this study will explore the possibility of the use of anti-discrimination laws from the viewpoint of sexual minorities. For this purpose, I will deal with the present situation of sexual minorities in Japan, the Japanese Constitution, and anti-discrimination laws in England and Wales. Finally, this study will discuss how anti-discrimination laws should be designed giving consideration to sexual minorities. In this part(2), I will continue the interpretation of the Japanese Constitution. In addition, the anti-discrimination laws in England and Wales will be introduced.


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memo 何となくこれが一番法学っぽい :日本における性的マイノリティ差別と立法政策 ─イギリス差別禁止法からの示唆─(2)(2013) http://t.co/cgIWh1Vteo

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