石澤 良昭
法華文化研究 = Jornal of Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra (ISSN:02871513)
no.47, pp.1-9, 2021-03-20

In Cambodia's world cultural heritage of Angkor Wat, graffiti by Japanese visitors of the early half of the seventeenth century is seen to remain in fourteen locations, inscribed in India ink. Focusing on links between the India ink inscriptions and the illustrated ground plan of Angkor Wat, namely the so-called ''Plan of Jetavana'' which is a collection in the Tokugawa Museum (formerly Shokokan Museum) in Mito city, this paper probes the historical milieu at the time when Japanese worshipers visited Angkor Wat, on the flawed notion that it was Jetavana, a place sacred to Buddhism. Also, this is a checked article based on material issued on June 26, 2019, on the occasion of a special lecture held at the Ishibashi Tanzan Memorial Auditorium in the Shinagawa campus of Rissho University, at the Institute for the Comprehensive Study of the Lotus Sutra (co-sponsored by Rissho University's Faculty of Buddhism).


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アンコールワットについて、上智大学・石澤良昭先生のおもしろい論文を見つけた。 「アンコールワットと祇園精舎」 ―世界で唯一の「アンコール ・ ワット絵図面」の 発見とキリシタン弾圧― https://t.co/I4eW9c3vrH

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