西田 泰典
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.76, pp.15-86, 2013-03-19

The self-potential (SP) method is based on measuring the natural electric potential differences, which generally exist between any two points on the ground. The SP fields have their origins in different mechanisms which can be used to identify ore deposits, geological features, ground water flow, and hydrothermal systems. The amplitude has a very wide spectrum, from a few mV/km to a few V/km, and their spatial distribution is correlated with the size of sources that lie at a depth within several hundred meters depth. Despite the fact that SP studies have been carried out by many researchers in the past, especially in field of mine prospecting, the use of the method had been restricted because the sources of SP anomalies were not fully identified and the development of other geophysical methods, such as seismic, electromagnetic and gravimetric methods, was very fast. However, since 1970, the SP method has again risen as a modern prospecting method for delineating the thermal state of geothermal fields. These studies have encouraged the application of the SP method to volcanological, geothermal, hydrological, seismological studies and so on. Spatial and temporal measurements of the SP field may prove to have the advantage of sensing dynamic aspects of the tectonic activities. This article will focus on fundamentals of theoretical and experimental SP studies and will show many field examples to guid for beginners.


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電離層と地殻の地電流のモデルの絵がありました。 電離層は太陽活動で電流密度が増減します。 太陽と地震の関係は無視できません。 自然電位と地殻活動 https://t.co/QowwQ1XXaz https://t.co/1YqSZ00Vj9
地電流って地球外部磁場変動に誘導されてるじゃないの 太陽が地震の原因で間違いなさそうですね https://t.co/QowwQ1XXaz 「磁気嵐など空間波長の長い地球外部磁場変動に誘導された電場を近似的に取り除いた値となり,比較的近傍で発現した電位異常を抽出することが出来るという訳である.」

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