小泉 均
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.60, no.4, pp.20-25, 2012

Elementary textbooks on quantum chemistry published for the last dozen years in Japan were surveyed. In the most of the textbooks, Heitler-London theory or simple linear atomic combination-molecular orbital theory is still used to explain the nature of the chemical bond of a hydrogen molecule, which theories were criticized in 1960s. Physical meanings on several problems that many students may have questions were not described in these books. Some of the problems were answered in this paper. Desirable textbooks on quantum chemistry which fit with times were proposed.


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光を使った化学反応について知りたいなーと思い,光化学の勉強を始めました! 光化学反応の前に,そもそもなぜ原子と原子がくっついて分子になるのかなーって疑問に思ってアトキンスの物理化学を読んで調べると,原子価結合法とか使って化学結合を説明してるんだけど,なんかイメージできないし,納得できなくて色々ネットで調べてみた。 すると,教科書に載ってる説明が実は間違っているという事が半世紀前には指摘されていて, ...

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化学結合は、面白い話があってビリアル定理関連の話題。 https://t.co/T8JAwSXxnF https://t.co/v4lgUlqgJ4

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