趙 瀚雲
vol.29, pp.73-87, 2019-10-24

This paper aims to elucidate the interaction between technology and the body in McLuhan's media theory through Anderson's nationalism theory. Anderson hinted at the idea of the transformation of nationalism, but he did not complete the task of elucidating the mechanism of how nationalism changes one reason behind this is that it only addresses the background of the modern era. On the other hand, McLuhan's concept of technology has the potential to go beyond the limit of this era as a diachronic concept. Therefore, elucidating the parallel relationship between the technology-body interaction under the media theory and the modernity-fatality interaction under the theory of nationalism allows us to open up the new possibility for discussing nationalism theory from the perspective of media theory.


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・メディアの異種交配。技術の変化と身体の反作用。意味の喪失と宿命性。#マクルーハン P15 https://t.co/fJJbATLNK8 https://t.co/CH1fZtF3aR
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