Kakui Keiichi Fujiwara Yoshihiro
Zoological Society of Japan
Zoological Science (ISSN:02890003)
vol.37, no.4, pp.303-306, 2020-08

We report on the behavior of a deep-sea tanaidacean, Gigantapseudes sp. (Apseudomorpha: Gigantapseudidae), recorded at the depths of 6446–6447 m by the manned submersible Shinkai 6500. From recordings of at least three individuals walking on the sea floor, we confirm that Gigantapseudes sp. is epibenthic, as previously inferred from leg shape. One individual was recorded entering a hole. All individuals in the videos kept pereopods 4 raised from the seafloor while walking, implying that those legs have a function other than for walking, such as mechano- or chemoreception, or posture control. Our in situ observations of behavior are the first for any deepsea tanaidacean and illustrate the importance of recording high-resolution videos in the deep sea and archiving them for future use. Our identification of Gigantapseudes sp. from video footage provides the first record of this genus from Japanese waters and extends the northern limit of the known generic distribution.


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Kakui & Fujiwara (2020) ab behavior of a deep-sea tanaidacean (Gigantapseudes sp) deposited in online repos 深海性 #タナイス の行動を記載した論文(Kakui & Fujiwara 2020)のPDFを大学リポジトリに登録しました(誰でも読めます) #エンマノタナイス PDF: https://t.co/OxP7aoMei7

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