Kakui Keiichi Nomaki Hidetaka Komatsu Hironori Fujiwara Yoshihiro
Oxford University Press
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (ISSN:00244066)
vol.131, no.3, pp.566-574, 2020

Information on the extent, diversity and connectivity of populations is lacking for most deep-sea invertebrates. Species of the order Tanaidacea (Crustacea), one of the most diverse and abundant macrofaunal groups in the deep sea, are benthic, lack a planktonic larval stage, and thus would be expected to have narrow distributional ranges. However, with molecular evidence from the COI gene, we show here that the deep-sea tanaidacean Carpoapseudes spinigena has a distributional range spanning at least 3700 km, from off northern Japan to the south-eastern Bering Sea. Living individuals found in a sediment core indicated that the species is a sedentary burrower. COI analyses revealed a low level of genetic diversity overall, and low differentiation (p-distance, 0.2–0.8%) between the Japan and Bering Sea populations. One hypothesis to explain the low genetic diversity over a broad region is that the Japan population was founded by individuals transported by ocean currents from the Bering Sea. However, due to limited data, other explanations cannot be ruled out. Our results indicate that continued sampling is of fundamental importance to understanding how genetic and taxonomic diversity originate and are maintained in the deep sea.


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Accepted MS of Kakui et al (2020) ab phylogeography of deep-sea tanaidaceans deposited in online repos 深海性 #タナイス の系統地理に関する論文(Kakui et al 2020)の著者最終稿を大学リポジトリに登録しました(誰でも読めます) PDF: https://t.co/nkRnsqheWX https://t.co/DFN2iDPKP6

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