Kakui Keiichi Shimada Daisuke
Cambridge University Press
Journal of Helminthology (ISSN:0022149X)
vol.96, pp.e33, 2022

We report the first mermithid nematode found to be parasitic in a marine tanaidacean crustacean. Ten host tanaidaceans were collected from 52 m depth in Otsuchi Bay, Iwate, Japan, northwestern Pacific, and identified as a species in the tanaidid genus Zeuxo Templeton, 1840. Nematodes occurred in the host’s body cavity; in one case, at least two individuals inhabited a single host. We provide a brief description and illustrations of the morphology of the nematode. In a phylogenetic reconstruction based on the 18S rRNA gene, the nematode nested in a clade otherwise containing mermithids from terrestrial or freshwater hosts, showing an expansion in host utilization in Mermithidae Braun, 1883 from terrestrial/freshwater hosts to a marine organism.


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Accepted MS of Kakui & Shimada (2022) ab nematodes parasitic in tanaidaceans deposited in online repos #タナイス 寄生性センチュウを報告した論文の著者最終稿を大学リポジトリに登録しました(誰でも読めます) Link:https://t.co/SrDxWJUxxN Read only PDF:https://t.co/xed27zdPUA https://t.co/I8XTE8ngjM

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