安田 敏朗 Yasuda Toshiaki
JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究 (ISSN:18844766)
vol.6, pp.56-69, 2015-03-27

After the Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1923, the massacre of Korean residents was carried out by common Japanese influenced by groundless rumors and practices of discrimination. It is estimated that thousands of Koreans were killed, but the correct number is still unidentified. In carrying out this massacre, Japanese residents devised methods to distinguish Korean people from the Japanese. Various methods have been recorded, such as to make people repeat the names of Japanese Emperors or sing the Japanese national anthem. In this article, I will focus on one method: to make someone pronounce “15 yen 50 sen (jyuugoen gojissen)” in Japanese. This method was said to show a pronunciation difference between Korean and Japanese languages, and that if someone was Korean, she/he would pronounce the phrase as “chuukoen kochussen”. This method may have been invented by daily contacts between Japanese and Korean people before the earthquake. After the earthquake, this method spread with the diffusion of the groundless rumors throughout the Kanto district. This “15 yen 50 sen” method was documented with the memories of the Korean massacre afterwards by historians and writers. Nowadays, we hear ignominious calls such as “Kill the Korean”. In such situations, it is important to inspect the process of how such methods to distinguish people were created, and how they spread.


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@soduenn @Yumineeee 暴動が一部事実だったと司法省が一ヶ月後に発表しましたが、容疑者の殆どが姓名不詳で不起訴。朝鮮人とは全く断定できません。後に正力氏が虚報だったと一部認めています。 https://t.co/1JTHUS5KH3 警察庁の資料では、誠に同情に値する軽微な犯罪があったと報告されています https://t.co/mJ3V1cMdZi https://t.co/R6k8OPsnmk
https://t.co/iKPtfxbmEH (pdf 즉시 다운로드 링크 주의) ざじずぜぞ 해봐는 관동대지진때도 있었던 역사와 전통이 있는 조선인 차별이었네…
@8Film 15円50銭で解説されていた(;´Д`) https://t.co/2GjI1hU8qy
「15円50銭」と「10円50銭」という微妙なちがいはあるが、震災翌日にはすでにこうした識別法がある程度広まっていたと考えることもできる https://t.co/13hsD5dHsZ 関東大震災時朝鮮人虐殺と「15円50銭」をめぐって
@Sabreaux_HS_Kim 正しいURLを貼って、おかしなやつは削除しておきます。 この論文の9ページをお読みください。 https://t.co/P4rxP77JEB
@Sabreaux_HS_Kim 失礼しました。最近Googleは余計なことをするのでURLをリンクしたいのに変なおまけをつけてくるんですよ
@pawn_titan 実際、香川や東北出身の人が殺されたり、川に投げ込まれたりしたそうです。 まあ、もしそういった事がなくても、私達日本人がパニックになって流言を信じ、他民族の方々を多数殺してしまった事実を重く受け止め、追悼のメッセージを発信していく事は必要だと思いますが。 https://t.co/mJ3V1cMdZi https://t.co/R7JY1xUKmM

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