樋之津 淳子 高島 尚美 香城 綾 Hinotsu Atsuko Takashima Naomi Kojo aya
筑波大学医療技術短期大学部研究報告 (ISSN:02850702)
no.22, pp.27-32, 2001-03

Though cold pack is often made use of at home as well as at hospitals to reduce fever, it can be said that evidence showing that it is effective has not been reported. The purpose of this paper is to argue for the usefulness of cold pack in nursing and explore its effective application, presenting empirical data about how cold pack changes body temperature and affects sensation of coldness. Cooperated by healthy females, two types of cold pack treatments, that is, application of the ice pillow to the back part of the head and application of the ice bag to the bilateral axillary[?], were performed. In this experiment, the skin and deep temperatures of all subjects were measured and they were also asked to tell us how cold they felt. The result was that whereas both of the methods made the skin temperature go down alike, they showed a meaningful difference in effect of changing of the deep temperature, indicating that application of the ice bag to the bilateral axillary was more effective in falling the deep temerature. It was also shown that the use of the ice bag made subjects feel colder. The results thus seem to suggest that we feel more comfortable with the ice pillow applied to the back part of the head and that application of the ice bag to the bilateral axillary is more effective in falling body temperature.


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