小島 毅
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.107, pp.1-87, 1988-10

Correlative cosmology was the heart of the political theory in justification of all the dynasties in China.Various kinds of natural anomalies showed Heaven's warning to the ruler against his political errors.This theory, which was established under Han dynasty, was still effective in Song, by changing its substance.It is explained in Chapter One how the correlative thought served political purposes in Northern Song.Some of the scholars criticized the schematized form that said a phenomenon was the response to one particular governmental misconduct, but they also relied on correlative theory.In Chapter Two, the samples are introduced from the texts on the crop losses by locusts and on the solar eclipses.While refuting Han schema, the scholars insisted that emperor should recfify his mind.When the Song philosophers were changing the schema, they were giving a higher position to the term of li (principle).As it is made clear in Chapter Three, in the new scheme of correlative theory, li was pursued in one's mind.


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