田中 公明
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.166, 2014-12

The excavation of Udayagiri II under taken by the ASI since 1997 has brought to light some new discoveries about Orissan Buddhism. Among these, a khondalite inscription found on the eastern side of monastery No. 2 (Reg. No. 70) is important since most of its 21 lines are in good condition and readable. A photograph of the surface along with a romanized transcription appeared in Indian Archaeology 2001-02 (“A Review”). I noticed that one of the dhāraṇī-sūtras inscribed on the khondalite plate is somewhat similar to the Ār yasarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhāna-hṛdaya-guhya-dhātu-karaṇḍa-mudrā nāma dhāraṇī, which was mainly revered as a substitute for the Buddha’s relics. There are three Chinese versions of this dhāraṇī-sūtra and one Tibetan translation. In addition, a Sanskrit transcription in Siddham script has been transmitted in Japan. Unfortunately, the transcription by the ASI contains several errors since they were not aware of the original dhāraṇī, and this seems to have hindered the correct identification of the text. Another khondalite plate inscribed with a dhāraṇī-sūtra had previously been discovered in Orissa and is now exhibited at the State Museum in Bhubaneswar. It has already been identified by G. Schopen as the Bodhimaṇḍalālaṅkāra nāma dhāraṇī. The Ārya-sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhāna- hṛdaya-guhya-dhātu-karaṇḍa-mudrā nāma dhāraṇī, on the other hand, has been discovered neither in Orissa nor anywhere else on Indian soil, although one example has been discovered in Sri Lanka. It is worth noting that the name of Śubhākaradeva, a king of the Bhaumakara dynasty, has been inserted in the Ārya-sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhāna-hṛdaya-guhyadhātu-karaṇḍa-mudrā nāma dhāraṇī. This is the first concrete evidence of a relationship between the Bhaumakara dynasty and Udayagiri. In this paper, I compare the inscription with the extant Chinese and Tibetan versions of this dhāraṇī-sūtra and consider the significance of this discovery for the history of Orissan Buddhism. For further details, reference should be made to the romanized transcription of the inscription on pp. 156–158.


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http://t.co/LZ35Zmr9tl 大正No.1022Aの末尾に収録される梵字転写は、浄厳の『普通真言蔵』に基いている。種智院大学密教学会『梵字大鑑』(1983)516-520所収本等も、ほぼこれに拠っているが、不空の漢字音写から還梵したものなので問題点が多い。

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