Permanasari Maharani Dian Maharani Dian Permanasari
The International Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Kanazawa University
Journal of the International Center for Cultural Resource Studies (ISSN:18835368)
vol.3, pp.1-22, 2017-03

Banana plants attain a position of central importance within Javanese culture: as a source of food and beverages, for cooking and containing material for daily life, and also as offerings for numerous ceremonies and rituals. The role and functions of banana plants in Javanese culture also imply philosophical meanings and wisdom of Javanese who perceive the plants as a resemblance of human beings. This article describes the role and functions of banana plants in Javanese rituals and analyses their philosophical meanings. The findings would contribute to the continuity in usage and functions of banana plants among Javanese people, and may affect the villagers who are deeply involved with the use of banana plants, by deepening their knowledge on the philosophical meanings of banana plants, to preserve and accommodate this material culture into their future life.


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This is an article of some part of my dissertation: Banana Plants as a Cultural Resource in Javanese Culture (it's the link for its pdf) https://t.co/cL1Ab2d7ZD

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