岡田 努 OKADA Tsutomu
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.13, pp.27-44, 2021-03-31

A number of qualitative studies have revealed that Japanese railroad enthusiasts have low self-esteem, are emotionally distant from others, and possess autistic tendencies. However, very few empirical psychological studies have been conducted on this phenomenon. The participants included 412 adolescents who completed a questionnaire on their hobbies, level of enthusiasm, self-esteem, friendships, and autistic tendencies. Latent class analysis revealed four classes of adolescents: 1) unenthusiastic adolescents only interested in tours and/or riding trains; 2) those obsessed with riding trains, viewing stations, traveling, reading timetables, and planning imaginary trips; 3) those obsessed with riding trains, but not with reading timetables and/or planning imaginary trips; 4) and those obsessed with all kinds of railroad hobby activities who mostly had high scores for enthusiasm. Although no significant differences were found for self-esteem and autistic tendencies amongst the four classes, on the friendship scale, those in class 4 were careful not to be hurt by their friends and were emotionally distant from their friends.
Takahashi Ryoko
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 (ISSN:18835368)
vol.8, pp.30-43, 2017-03-31

田邊 浩 松田 洋介 眞鍋 知子 竹内 慶至 Tanabe Hiroshi Matsuda Yousuke Manabe Tomoko Takeuchi Noriyuki
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
no.11, pp.18-52, 2019-03-31

What is a system that allows young people with developmental disabilities to move smoothly from school to employment and how can it be constructed? In order to examine this issue, each country is selected from three regimes based on the welfare regime theory and international comparative research is conducted in the four countries including Japan. This article features Germany as a conservative welfare regime. We report on the results of field survey on institutions and organizations that support youth with developmental disability, mainly conducted in northern Germany, and consider the support of people with developmental disabilities in German welfare state system based on it.
杜 林 田邊 浩 Du Lin Tanabe Hiroshi
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.10, pp.45-65, 2018-03-31

障害者権利条約が国連において採択されて以来,障害者に対する差別の解消と障害者の権利擁護は着実に前進してきたが,そこに至るまでには,障害当事者の運動が大きな役割を果たしてきた.中国は障害者権利条約をいち早く批准したが,中国における障害当事者の活動はどのような役割を果たしたであろうか. 本論文では,中国における障害当事者の活動の展開を後づけ,障害者の権利を守るために,どのような成果を上げ,今後どのようなことが課題となるかについて検討した.最初に,障害者の運動がどのようなものであり,どのような意味を有しているのかについて述べ,イギリスとアメリカ,そして日本の障害者運動について確認した.つぎに,中国における障害者運動の展開過程を分析した.その際に,わたしたちが聞き取り調査を実施したワンプラスワンの活動に注目し,そこから中国の障害者がおかれてきた状況について考察した.それらの結果から,中国における障害者の運動がもたらした成果と今後の課題について検討した.最後に中国における障害当事者活動の特徴を指摘した.
岡田 努 OKADA Tsutomu
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
no.13, pp.27-44, 2021-03-31

A number of qualitative studies have revealed that Japanese railroad enthusiasts have low self-esteem, are emotionally distant from others, and possess autistic tendencies. However, very few empirical psychological studies have been conducted on this phenomenon. The participants included 412 adolescents who completed a questionnaire on their hobbies, level of enthusiasm, self-esteem, friendships, and autistic tendencies. Latent class analysis revealed four classes of adolescents: 1) unenthusiastic adolescents only interested in tours and/or riding trains; 2) those obsessed with riding trains, viewing stations, traveling, reading timetables, and planning imaginary trips; 3) those obsessed with riding trains, but not with reading timetables and/or planning imaginary trips; 4) and those obsessed with all kinds of railroad hobby activities who mostly had high scores for enthusiasm. Although no significant differences were found for self-esteem and autistic tendencies amongst the four classes, on the friendship scale, those in class 4 were careful not to be hurt by their friends and were emotionally distant from their friends.
青木 賢人 林 紀代美 AOKI Tatsuto HAYASHI Kiyomi
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.13, pp.1-26, 2021-03-31

While the occurrence of an inland earthquake with an active fault, which is a low-frequency and high-intensity disaster, is assumed with a high probability, in recent years, in Kanazawa city and its surroundings in Ishikawa Prefecture that have not experienced large-scale disasters. We conducted questionnaires survey to parents who are using nursery school. Among them, the authors investigated the recognition (occurrence probability, seismic intensity, etc.) for active fault earthquakes and how we assumed the disaster situation and investigated the perception of the difficulty of hand over their children. As a result, both nursery schools and parents highlighted that knowledge and recognition of the active fault earthquakes were not sufficient, and it became clear that the perception of 'difficulties to hand over the children' is low.
溝部 明男
金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Science, Kanazawa University
金沢大学人間科学系紀要 (ISSN:18835368)
vol.3, pp.14-40, 2011-03-31

デュルケムとウェーバーの「社会」と「行為」についての概念化を、パーソンズは「社会システム論」を使うことでうまく統合し、社会学理論を前進させた。パーソンズの「構造-機能主義」の隆盛は、冷戦期におけるアメリカの優位とソ連の劣勢を理論的に説明しえたことによる。パーソンズ以降の社会学理論に残された課題は、(1)グローバリゼーションの現状と「境界維持システム」概念が乖離していること、(2)「コントロール・ハイアラーキ―」概念は「価値・規範要素」を偏重しているので、現実の集団・組織の作動や社会変動の発端を考える上で問題があること、(3)行為の能動性と社会的拘束の両立性という問題。ルーマンの「オートポイエシス」論はこの第2 の課題、ギデンズの「構造化理論」はこの第3 の課題をのり越えようとする試みであろう。 The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the basic concepts of T. Parsons' sociological theory in relation topreceding classical sociological theories and social system theory. The reason why his theory was influential in themid 20th century was that his structural-functional theory could explain the dominance of USA over the Soviet Unionin the cold war period from the theoretical viewpoint.After Parsons remain three theoretical issues, which are: (1) the gap of the globalization currently in progress andhis conception of "boundary maintaining system", (2) his tendency to give excessive stress on "normative elements"in his "control hierarchy" theory (ex. the Fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 could not be explained according to his "controlhierarchy" theory) and (3) incompatibility of agency and structure, or that of the integration theory and the conflicttheory.Luhmann's theory of autopoiesis is considered to be an attempt to get over the second theoretical issue andGiddens' theory of structuration an attempt to solve the third one.
三浦 要
金沢大学人間科学系紀要 (ISSN:18835368)
no.1, pp.37-56, 2009-03-31

デモクリトスの倫理学説は,多くの著作断片が残っているにもかかわらず,その自然学説ほど顧みられない.だからといってそれが考察に値しないものであるわけではない.たしかに彼の倫理学的著作断片の多くは伝承の過程でアフォリズムの形へと縮約改変を受けており,一定の学説として再構成することには困難がともなうため,彼を,体系的な倫理学説をもたない,処世訓を与えてくれるだけのモラリストと見なす研究者も多い.しかし,それは彼の思想に対する過小評価と言わざるをえない. むしろ彼は,ソクラテスよりも前に,生の目的を魂の善としての「明朗闊達さ」と措定し,行為の普遍的な規範を規定しようとしており,そのかぎりで彼は体系的な倫理学説を志向した思想家と言える. Although the bulk of the extant fragments of his works deal primarily with ethical matters, Democritus has not received the attention he deserves in his ethics; some scholars merely take his ethical fragments to be a collection of wise saws, and others think of them as a pre-theoretical recipe for happiness; at any rate, such an interpretation places too low a value on his ethical view. My concern in this paper is with Democritus' ethical doctirne which can fully be described as a coherent ethical system. Indeed, it may safely be said that, in spite of the absence of the word telos in his fragments, Democritus offered euthymie or cheerfulness just as telos or the final goal of human life. Euthymie of the soul is identified with well-being and happiness. In Democritus' view, all human actions seek (or should seek) to fulfill a state of cheerfulness, tranquility of mind and self-sufficiency, and the rational choice of particular pleasures in terms of usefulness does produce this cheerfulness, which is itself a pleasure but a supreme one; in this sense, particular pleasures are the necessary condition of the attainment of the cheerfulness. Democritus clearly sets up a single ethical goal and shows the way to achieve it. His ethical theory thus can be called a moderate hedonistic eudaimonism.
Takahashi Ryoko
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.8・9, pp.30-43, 2017-03-31

寺沢 なお子 荒納 百恵
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 (ISSN:18835368)
vol.3, pp.1-13, 2011-03-31

市販の緑葉野菜の硝酸および遊離シュウ酸含有量における,栽培方法(有機栽培・慣行栽培)による違い,および茹で処理による硝酸・シュウ酸の減少率の違いについて検討した。その結果,硝酸含有量についてはホウレンソウで有機栽培が慣行栽培の約2倍の硝酸イオンを含んでおり,有意に高かったが,それ以外の野菜では大差なかった。また茹で処理による減少率には栽培方法による差異はなかった。ホウレンソウの遊離シュウ酸含有量については,有機栽培が平均で慣行栽培の1.5倍の量を含有していたが,有意差は認められなかった。茹で処理後のシュウ酸含有量は有機栽培・慣行栽培ともに同程度となった。一方,輸入冷凍ホウレンソウの硝酸含有量についても調べた結果,商品によって3倍近い差が認められたが,いずれも国産ホウレンソウの生および1分間茹で・水さらしなしの試料の硝酸イオン量よりも低かった。また近年,健康のために青汁を飲む人も多いことから,青汁の硝酸含有量についても調べた。その結果,製品当たりの硝酸イオン量は0.6~220mgと大差が認められ,粉末製品よりも液体製品で多い傾向にあった。The difference in contents of nitrate and oxalic acid of commercial fresh green-leaf vegetables according to the cultivation method (organic cultivation and conventional cultivation) and after boiling was examined. The nitrate content of spinach cultivated by organic cultivation was significantly high, being 2 times greater than that by conventional cultivation. The nitrate content of other vegetables was no different according to the cultivation method. There was also no difference in the decrease of nitrate content by boiling according to the cultivation method. The oxalic acid content of spinach cultivated by organic cultivation was 1.5 times greater than that by conventional cultivation, although the difference was not significant. There was no effect of cultivation method on the oxalic acid content of spinach after boiling. The nitrate content of imported frozen spinach showed a difference of about 3 times among the samples, although the nitrate content of all imported samples was lower than that of raw spinach or spinach boiled for 1 min and not soaked in water that had been cultivated in Japan. The nitrate content of aojiru, the juice of young leaves of barley, kale, etc. that is currently considered as a health drink, was 0.6-220 mg/pack, the content of the liquid product tending to be greater than that of the powder product.
岡田 努
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 (ISSN:18835368)
vol.4, pp.19-34, 2012-03-31

本研究は,青年の友人関係に関して,友人から傷つけられることを回避する傾向及び友人を傷つけることを回避する傾向に特化した尺度(傷つけ合い回避尺度)を作成し,その信頼性と妥当性を検討したものである.234 名の高校生と227 名の大学生に対して,友人関係,配慮・熟慮,被受容感,被拒絶感,自尊感情に関する各尺度についての質問紙調査が実施された.その結果,友人関係については,新たに作成された36 項目の尺度項目から「傷つけられ回避」「距離確保」「礼儀」「傷つけ回避」と命名しうる4因子が得られ,高い内的一貫性が認められた.また「配慮・熟慮」との間で関連する下位尺度に高い相関が見られたことから併存的妥当性も確認された.さらに構成概念妥当性の確認のため,先行研究(岡田,2011)と同様のモデルでの共分散構造分析を行った結果,十分な適合度が得られ,岡田(2011)と同様に,「友人から傷つけられることを回避する」ことが,「友人から傷つけることを回避する心性」を経て,「被拒絶感」を抑制し,結果的に自尊感情を維持させる構造が示された.This study develops the "friendship scale" focusing on adolescents that measures two features: "being careful not to be hurt by their friends" and "being careful not to hurt their friends." A survey that measured friendship, concern for others/discreteness, sense of acceptance, sense of rejection,and self-esteem was administered to 234 senior high school students and 227 college students. Survey results showed that the 36 items of the friendship scale conformed to a 4-factor structure with high internal consistency. Concurrent validity was indicated by high correlation with the"concern for others/discreteness" scale. A structural equation modeling analysis was employed to test the construct validity. The results suggest that the tendency of "being careful not to be hurt by their friends" inhibited the "sense of rejection" in the subjects through "being careful not to hurttheir friends," and ultimately improved their self-esteem according to the model of Okada (2011).
田邊 浩 松田 洋介 眞鍋 知子 竹内 慶至 Tanabe Hiroshi Matsuda Yousuke Manabe Tomoko Takeuchi Noriyuki
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.11, pp.18-52, 2019-03-31

What is a system that allows young people with developmental disabilities to move smoothly from school to employment and how can it be constructed? In order to examine this issue, each country is selected from three regimes based on the welfare regime theory and international comparative research is conducted in the four countries including Japan. This article features Germany as a conservative welfare regime. We report on the results of field survey on institutions and organizations that support youth with developmental disability, mainly conducted in northern Germany, and consider the support of people with developmental disabilities in German welfare state system based on it.
寺沢 なお子 木下 恭宏 Terasawa Naoko Kinoshita Yasuhiro
金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University (ISSN:18835368)
vol.10, pp.25-44, 2018-03-31

女子大学生25名(20.7土1.3歳)を体格別に3群(標準身長 一 標準骨格筋率群 :S-S群,標準身長 一高骨格筋率群: S-H群,高身長 一 高骨格筋率群 :H-H群)に分けた。S-S群は他の2群に比べて有意に全身骨格筋率が低かったが, Body Mass Indexには有意差は認められなかった。3群の食後血糖値変動を調べたところ,米飯摂取30分後の血糖値はS-S群が他の2群より有意に高値を示した。米飯摂取30分前に野菜ジュ ー スを摂取した場合,血糖値上昇は 3 群とも有意に抑制されたが,米飯のみ摂取の場合に食後血糖値が高かった群ほど抑制率が高く . 群間の有意差は消失した。また被験者の全身骨格筋率に影響を及ぼす生活習慣を調べたところ,いずれも有意差は認められなかったもののS-S群は身体活動レベルが低く,朝食を抜くこと・食事をとる時刻が変動すること・満腹になるまで食べることが多い傾向にあった。さらに,朝食の摂取頻度と全身骨格筋率との間に有意な相関が認められた。
Permanasari Maharani Dian Maharani Dian Permanasari
The International Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Kanazawa University
Journal of the International Center for Cultural Resource Studies (ISSN:18835368)
vol.3, pp.1-22, 2017-03

Banana plants attain a position of central importance within Javanese culture: as a source of food and beverages, for cooking and containing material for daily life, and also as offerings for numerous ceremonies and rituals. The role and functions of banana plants in Javanese culture also imply philosophical meanings and wisdom of Javanese who perceive the plants as a resemblance of human beings. This article describes the role and functions of banana plants in Javanese rituals and analyses their philosophical meanings. The findings would contribute to the continuity in usage and functions of banana plants among Javanese people, and may affect the villagers who are deeply involved with the use of banana plants, by deepening their knowledge on the philosophical meanings of banana plants, to preserve and accommodate this material culture into their future life.