小松﨑 俊彦 岩田 佳雄
日本機械学会 = The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
日本機械学会論文集C編 / Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C (ISSN:03875024)
vol.78, no.786, pp.420-430, 2012-01-01

In this study, a virtual sound production system is developed where the difference frequency component appears as the secondary audible sound at a point of interference locally by the nonlinear interaction of two independently radiated ultrasounds while they travel directionally and intersect each other. The design of high-directive ultrasonic radiator, followed by the investigation of virtual sound production performance has been done theoretically as well as experimentally. It is known from these investigations that the fairly local sound reproduction in free space is possible, yet the sound pressure level of the secondary field is small. The results have also shown that the generated virtual sound area is dependent on both the difference frequency and the intersection angle of two carrier waves emitted by two sound sources. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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"周波数の異なる2つの強力超音波(キャリア波)が媒質中に放射されると,音場の非線形効果によって2つの周波数の和および差成分が放射音場中に展開される.和の成分はその周波数が極端に高いことから急速に減衰するが,一方の差成分は空間中を伝播し,可聴音として知覚される" https://t.co/I72MTZwtUf

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