森崎 志麻
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.60, pp.45-57, 2014-03-31

Taking the narratives of two interviewees who experienced "hikikomori" (social withdrawal) as materials, the aim of this thesis is to examine why the sense of playing a role is important to "hikikomori" people and also to Japanese society that contains "hikikomori" issues. In order to examine these questions, the concepts of "play" by Henriot and Winnicott were studied. The mental situation of "hikikomori" can be thought of as a negative self-relationship such as excessive self-consciousness. To have the sense of playing a role of oneself means that one can create distance and play between self and another self playing the role of oneself, between self and other, and also between self and society, since "play" is paradoxical in that it allows one to be absorbed into one's role and to be conscious that one is playing a role at the same time. When one is playing between the two elements described as "transitional space, " one can be creative and a subjective self occurs in play. Also, "hikikomori" and Japanese society that has "hikikomori" issues have the two paradoxical moral values of individualistic ethics and interdependent ethics. It is suggested that the sense of playing a role can serve as a bridge between these two moral values.


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森崎志麻(2014). 「ひきこもり」と役を演じる感覚に関する一考察 -「遊び」の概念を手がかりに- 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要, 60, 45-57. http://t.co/PXUrxg39HN

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