朴 沙羅
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.22, pp.89-115, 2014-12-25

Oral history is one of the major research methods in both humanities and social sciences such as anthropology, history, and sociology. The characteristics have been discussed, and methodology has been accumulated over decades. This research note tries to grasp major research topic and research projects in oral history and tries to figure out what kind of research projects have been regarded as "oral history". In contrast to the previous literatures on oral history, this note does not look at methodological discussion but at actual research projects and articles by region. After grasping overall conditions of oral history research past around 50 years, I analyze rough trends according to survey population and research intention.


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"…考えられている。" 〜3-2 真相究明とエンパワーメント 研究動向 #オーラルヒストリー 研究の歩みと現在 ― 朴 沙羅 京都大学 京都社会学年報 2014/12/25 https://t.co/L5nuhDSlU0
#オーラルヒストリー P.109 "戦争や虐殺・政治的抑圧の被害者からその経験を聞きとる行為は、ただし、このような語りによる政治運動は、加害者とされた側が語られた出来事や経験を事実と認め、補償しなければ、…" https://t.co/L5nuhDSlU0

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