Xiaoxiong Xing Yoshinori Dobashi Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
vol.2012-CG-147, no.2, pp.1-6, 2012-06-15

We present a real-time framework for rendering hair under environment lighting. We precompute the diffuse and specular irradiance environment maps for Kajiya-Kay model with a given environment map, thus reduce the runtime shading computation to simple texture lookups, and we simulate hair self-shadowing by using offline ambient occlusion. In addition, we further achieve runtime editing of the environment map by using spherical harmonic lighting to accelerate the computation of irradiance maps.


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Real-time Hair Rendering using Irradiance Maps, 2012 Xiaoxiong Xing, Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto https://t.co/8uX1W8WctA

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