岡田 佳之 榊 剛史 鳥海 不二夫 篠田 孝祐 風間 一洋 野田 五十樹 沼尾 正行 栗原 聡 Okada Yoshiyuki Takeshi Sakaki Fujio Toriumi Kosuke Shinoda Kazuhiro Kazama Itsuki Noda Masayuki Numao Satoshi Kurihara
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-9, 2013-03-11

Twitter is a famous social networking service and has received attention recently. Twitter user have increased rapidly, and many users exchange information. When 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami happened, people were able to obtain information from social networking service. Though Twitter played the important role, one of the problem of Twitter, a false rumor diffusion, was pointed out. In this research, we focus on a false rumor diffusion. We propose a information diffusion model based on SIR model, classify the way of diffusion in four categories, and reapper the real diffussion by using this new model.


Twitter (2 users, 3 posts, 0 favorites)

なんか、東日本大震災の時を思い出させるような人ですよね この人のルーツ(デマの根拠ではない)はどこにあったのだろう。。。 マイクロブログにおけるデマの拡散過程の分類と 拡張 SIR モデルに基づく解析 https://t.co/ygBRodaY9m https://t.co/oci8EpDDjb
マイクロブログにおけるデマの拡散過程の分類と 拡張 SIR モデルに基づく解析 https://t.co/YiinxAqExZ

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