杉山 英子 横山 伸
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.65, pp.19-25, 2010-12

Eating disorders are medical psychiatric and social problem among adolescent girls and young adult women. The severe situation surrounding the eating disorders is recognized in Japan, because the prevalence of the patients is probably increasing, and the onset is getting younger. However, medical resources are limited in the current Japanese health care system. Thus, the effective prevention is also necessary for the eating disorders as well as other life-style diseases. Nutrition education may be contributable to prevent the disordered eating behaviors. In this review, we introduced the prevention trials developed and performed in western countries and Japan to date, and discussed the possibility of nutritional education for contributing to the prevention of the eating disorders.


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摂食障害の発症予防は可能か--やせ礼賛文化との共生を目指して 著者 杉山 英子, 横山 伸 https://t.co/kZSsFj9ToK

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